Physical Stats

Strength = Carry weight, Affects Melee and Unarmed Damage
Endurance = Stamina and energy for long lasting activities
Constitution = Resistance against Diseases and Physical damage
Agility = Stamina and energy for short lasting activities
Vitality = Health and Stamina Regeneration

Mental Stats

Intelligence = Intelligence checks, and affects points gained per Level
Guile = Affects how well you can trick other characters
Wisdom = Memory and Knowledge for future actions, Can teach others skills
Charisma = How much of an affect your speech has on other characters
Social Standing = How well others see you

Sense Stats

Vision = How far you can see, Find points of interest from farther
Hearing = Affects how far you can hear enemies from
Intuition = Sensing spells/supernatural/traps or tricks
Strategy = How effective you are at completing task
Luck = Random Chance

Spirit Stats

Intimidation = How well you can intimidate others
Command = How well you can lead others
Faith = Able to perform miracles/supernatural actions
Will Power = Resistance to spells and demoralization attacks
Pressure Endurance = How well you can do under pressure

Combat Stats

Athletic = How well you can do short duration attacks
Vigor = How quickly you can recover from injury, and bad potions/effects
Unarmed = How well your unarmed attacks are
Melee = How well your melee weapon attacks are
Ranged = How well your ranged weapon attacks are

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